Specification in Practice (SIP)

Specification in Practice

SIP is helping to improve Concrete Specifications.

Specification in Practice is a series of short (2 page) information pieces on important topics written in an easy understandable “What, Why and How?” format. It can be used by specifying engineers and ready mixed concrete industry personnel to improve concrete specifications. Each piece covers the following topics:

  • States a prescriptive requirement;
  • Indicates whether the requirement is mandated by industry standards;
  • Discusses the basis for the requirement, either real or perceived;
  • Describes adverse implications of the requirement;
  • Suggests alternative performance criteria; and
  • Illuminate the benefits of using the performance requirements in place of the prescriptive requirement.

Click on the links below:

Take a look at the popular Concrete in Practice (CIP) series.

Take a look at the popular Technology in Practice (TIP) series.

Take a look at the popular Pervious in Practice (PIP) series.

NRMCA’s ConcreteWorks 2024

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