Sales, Marketing and Promotion Career Track

Click here for the STEPS brochure.

The primary goal of the Sales, Marketing and Promotion Career Track is to provide participants with a ready mixed concrete-specific education that enables them to demonstrate their selling skills in a changing environment in order to meet the growing demands in a marketplace. Candidates who complete the career track demonstrate
in class a technical understanding about what their customers want, why they buy, the role of value, and the use of consultative selling practices. To this end, use of various decision making skills are emphasized through application of ready mixed concrete-specific case methodologies that illustrate opportunity analysis, marketing environments, product management, communication planning, pricing and distribution strategies, and planning.

Candidates will be exposed to knowledge of production and products, concrete market placement, general market business, and sales and marketing. This knowledge will be obtained through courses that range from Understanding the Concrete Contractor’s Business to a Sales Manager Workshop. Some typical Industry job titles that would benefit from this Track are Marketing/Promotion Manager, Sales Representative, and Sales Manager.

Sales, Marketing and Promotion

Career Track Certification Requirement (120 hours)


ACI Field Technician Level 1 Certification – must be current or earned while taking required courses

Required Courses (84 hours)*

Elective Suggestions (36 hours minimum)*

Other professional development courses offered by NRMCA or other organizations may be substituted following an evaluation and approval by NRMCA (see CCPf Certification Rules).

NRMCA’s ConcreteWorks 2024

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