P2P Selected Published Papers and Reports

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Performance Specifications for Durable Concrete – current practice and limitations 
(Published in ACI Concrete International magazine 2006)

Specifying Requirements for Concrete Mixtures 
(Published in Structure magazine 2019)

Should Minimum Cementitious Contents for Concrete Be Specified? 
(Published in Transportation Research Record, 2017)

Acceptance Criteria for Durability Tests 
(Published in NRMCA Concrete inFocus magazine 2007)

An Evaluation of Performance-Based Alternatives to the Durability Provisions of the ACI 318 Building Code – Report of research performed at the NRMCA Research Laboratory
(Report from the RMC Research & Education Foundation, 2015)

Preparation of a Performance-based Specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete 
(Report from the RMC Research & Education Foundation, 2008)

Guide to Specifying Concrete Performance – Phase II Report 
(Report from the RMC Research & Education Foundation, 2006)

NRMCA’s ConcreteWorks 2024

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