Research Articles

  • Improving the Reliability of Resistivity Tests of Concrete (PDF)
  • Who is Watching Out for the Cylinders? (PDF)
    Concrete International
    , ACI, V. 40, No. 8 2018
  • Performance-Based Specifications for Concrete Exposed to Chlorides (PDF)
    Concrete International
    , ACI, V. 40, No. 6, 2018
  • Specifying for Performance (PDF)
    Concrete International
    , ACI, V. 40, No. 5, 2018
  • “Relating the Electrical Resistance of Fresh Concrete to Mixture Proportions” (PDF)
    Advanced Civil Engineering Materials, V. 7, No. 1, 2018
  • “ENGINEERING: Specifying for Performance” (PDF)
    Concrete InFocus, October 2017 
  • Evaluation of ASTM Standard Practice on Measuring the Electrical Resistance of Fresh Concrete (PDF) September
  • “Green Building with Concrete”
    Chapter 7, Second Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 25 pp.
  • “Evaluation of Chloride Limits for Reinforced Concrete Phase A” (PDF)
    NRMCA, Silver Spring, MD, July 2017
  • “Should Minimum Cementitious Contents for concrete be Specified?” (PDF)
    Transportation Research Record
    , Journal of the TRB, V. 2629, 2017
  • “Criteria for Selecting Mixtures Resistant to Physical Salt Attack” (PDF)
    ACI SP-317-7, 2017
  • “From Research to Reality–Can we Implement Performance Specifications” (PDF)
    Concrete International, ACI, V. 39, No. 1, 2017
  • “Criteria for Freeze-Thaw Resistant Concrete Mixtures” (PDF)
    Advanced Civil Engineering Materials, V. 5, No. 2, 2016
  • “Tests and Criteria for Concrete Resistant to Chloride Ion Penetration” (PDF)
    ACI Materials Journal, V. 113, No. 5, Sep-Oct 2016

Publications by Staff in Journals/Magazines

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