NRMCA’s Environmental Course for the Ready Mixed Concrete Industry
Next class TBA
REGISTRATION FEES: $1,050 NRMCA Members | $1,450 Non-Members
The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association’s Environmental Short Course was developed to provide concrete producers a complete agenda of items specific to the concrete industry, taught by instructors with in-depth knowledge of the industry. In this way, the course presents the first real alternative for concrete producers hungry for real “hands-on” information on the rules and regulations that they need to follow. The course, geared for everyone within the concrete industry, from upper management to environmental specialists to plant personnel, has been held all over the country for the past decade. A total of nearly 600 concrete industry personnel have attended the course, who have nearly all agreed that not only did they learn a tremendous amount of information specific to the concrete industry, but that they also plan on recommending others from their company to attend upcoming courses.
During the 2.5 days of the course, topics covered include a wide variety of the issues that concrete producers must be familiar with in today’s complex regulatory world including information on NRMCA’s Green-Star program and prerequisite Green-Star Auditor training. And, a key focus of the course is to present this information in a way that the producer is able to bring back with them to their own particular job conditions. A key component of the course is actual “hands-on” experience, which is gained during a plant exercise at a real working ready mixed concrete plant. During this exercises, course attendees are able to put into action the ideas they’ve heard during the course, making them much better able to utilize course information when back on the job at their own companies.
Course Topics
- Clean Water Act
- Discharge Permits
- Stormwater Management
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- Solids Management
- Hazardous Materials
- Dust Control
- Recycling
- Spill Prevention Plans
- Air Quality Management
- Noise Management
- Environmental Auditing
- Sustainability
- Environmental Management System
- Green-Star Program