- Ingredient materials for concrete are managed to maintain their characteristics.
- The production facility has the capability of producing concrete in cold weather.
- The batching systems in operation are defined and measuring devices are verified for accuracy at stated frequencies.
- The batching systems are capable of accurately batching concrete without interference.
- The batching process complies with the required tolerances stated in industry standards.
- There are systems in place and operational to account for aggregate moisture when batching concrete.
- There are systems in place and operational to manage the required slump and consistency of concrete.
- Production facilities with a plant mixer (central mixing plant) is of adequate condition to produce uniformly mixed concrete.
- The production facility issues a delivery ticket that conforms to the mandatory reporting requirements of ASTM C 94.
- Evaluates the recording capabilities for batched materials at the concrete plant and states such on the certificate.
- That 90% of the delivery fleet operating from the plant maintain current certification.
- The delivery fleet has the ability, via a visual inspection, to produce uniformly mixed concrete and has necessary devices in proper operating condition.
- Requires attestation to the completeness of the inspection by a licensed professional engineer.
- Requires statement by a company official that the accuracy of measuring devices will be maintained in conformance for the duration of the certification.
- Inspectors and their assistants have to go through a qualification process and be approved by NRMCA to conduct inspections for this program. The qualification process requires a thorough reading of the plant inspectors guide followed by answering a series of questions, submission of a statement of qualifications and signing a pledge.