Concrete Delivery Professional

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Concrete Delivery Professional Certification (CDP) Online Certification Program – [email protected]

Questions? Contact Shawnita Dickens


In these challenging times when every cubic yard delivered well is critical, CDP Online gives your front-line representatives the advantage of being the most efficient, skilled and productive driving force representing your business.

This short video was made in order to provide you with an overview of NRMCA’s CDP-Online program.

CDP Online Certification Provides the Following Benefits:

CDP logo
  • Individual participants work at their own pace and on their own schedule, providing flexibility and convenience to both the company and drivers. 
  • The program is totally self-directed, so a supervisor or company trainer is not needed.
  • CDP-Online has a convenient start/stop feature, making the new program adaptable to the variable work schedule of a typical ready mixed concrete driver.
  • Exams are online as well, so the requirement for third-party exam proctors has been eliminated, saving your company time and money.
  • The updated curriculum meets all new industry codes and standards.

The value of even the best internal training program can be enhanced by the validation of NRMCA’s Concrete Delivery Professional certification. This program provides a competitive advantage by assuring customers that your mixer drivers are introduced to industry operation standards so your customers can expect the highest level of professionalism.

Certification Requirements

To achieve the CDP certification, you must complete the online program and pass the CDP exam with a score of 70% or greater.

CDP Registration Details

Pricing Information

Online Course: Members: $250 | Non-Members: $350

Retake Exam: Member | Non-Members: $110

Students must complete the online course within 45 days of purchase.

Please select from the options below to enter NRMCA’s E-Store and purchase the CDP certification program:

Concrete Delivery Professional (CDP) Online Driver Certification (CDPOL040) – Driver Enrollment

Drivers enrolling themselves.

Member price = $250 | Non-member price $350

Prior to check out please verify the fee you are being charged, see fees above. If the fee does not reflect your member status or you do not know your member status contact Shawnita Dickens or (703) 706-4854, prior to completing the purchase.

Concrete Delivery Professional (CDP) Online Driver Certification (CDPOL050) – Supervisor/Manager Enrollment 

Supervisors Enrolling their drivers.

Member price = $250 per driver | Non-member price is $350 per driver

Prior to check out please verify the fee you are being charged, see fees above. If the fee does not reflect your member status or you do not know your member status contact Shawnita Dickens or (703) 706-4854, prior to completing the purchase.

CDP Online – Exam Retake (CDPOL060)

Single Driver who enrolled themselves  

Member price = $110 | Non-member price $110

Prior to check out please verify the fee you are being charged, see fees above. If the fee does not reflect your member status or you do not know your member status contact Shawnita Dickens or (703) 706-4854, prior to completing the purchase.

CDP Online Exam Retake – Managers (CDPOL070)

Supervisor/Manager Enrollment.

Member price = $110 per driver | Non-member price is $110 per driver

Prior to check out please verify the fee you are being charged, see fees above. If the fee does not reflect your member status or you do not know your member status contact Shawnita Dickens or (703) 706-4854, prior to completing the purchase.

For CDP Certification renewal, Use the product code that applies for new/current enrollment.

CDP Frequently Asked Questions

I am an administrator from a ready mixed producer — Can I sign up more than one driver at a time for CDP? Yes, the online purchase system and procedures have been optimized to allow multiple drivers to be signed up and paid for at one time.

I am a driver and have been asked by my company to sign-up for CDP just for myself — Can I do that? Yes, you can go through the online purchase and set-up process just for yourself.

How do I know if I am already registered with NRMCA for immediate login to the online store? How can I be sure to get NRMCA-member pricing? 

  • If your company is an NRMCA member and you personally receive emails occasionally from NRMCA, then you are already registered. Try entering your email as the username and CONCRETE as the password.
  • If you know you are registered at NRMCA but have changed your password and cannot remember it, click on “Reset Your Password.”
  • If you are with a member company and neither of these work, or if you are not sure if your company is a member, we recommend you contact Amanda Muller of NRMCA (703-706-4838).
  • If you are not with a member company, click on “Click here to register.”

What happens after I make the CDP purchase? You will receive an email order confirmation for the purchase and a second email with this subject line: NRMCA CDP Online – Course Registration. You should receive these emails within 15 minutes of the purchase. This second email includes a new link and a username and password for you to enter information about the one or more drivers for which you made the CDP purchase. After entering this information, each driver will receive an email providing access to the NRMCA Online Academy site.

What if our drivers don’t have their own email addresses? The email addresses entered for multiple drivers can be a single company or plant email address. Even with the same email address, separate emails will be sent for each registered driver and the login information provided for access to the Online Academy site will be specific to individual drivers. Drivers must use unique logins when accessing the CDP training.

What can we do to make the CDP online process as simple as possible for drivers? Please alert drivers that they will likely visit the Online Academy site several times during CDP training and they should be sure to keep track of both the URL for the site and of their user name and password. The web address of the online Academy is If drivers need assistance we suggest that they contact CDP Help Desk or  Shawnita Dickens of NRMCA (703-706-4854).

How does training and certification work on the NRMCA Online Academy site? After login, drivers will be presented with a home page where they will review each CDP module. Drivers will have the option of completing the review questions at the end of each module. The training lessons are organized around narrated slideshows that are reviewed and can be repeated by the driver. Review questions help the driver gauge whether the module information has been understood and serve as preparation for the exam. CDP certification is achieved by passing the exam with a 70% grade or higher. Drivers can view the lessons and review questions as often as they like within 45 days of registration. Access to the course and exam will not be available after the 45 day window.

Does a driver receive notification before the course enrollment expires? Yes, the driver will receive a reminder notification 7 days prior to enrollment expiring.

How does a driver access or download a copy of her/his certificate? A driver can download or print a pdf copy of the CDP certificate once he/she pass the CDP exam. The certificate can be accessed by clicking on the link under “Final Exam – Course Certificate.” A copy of the certificate is sent via email from [email protected].

NRMCA 2025 Annual Convention

March 4 – 7, 2025 | JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa | Tucson, AZ

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